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La teloom ely yekhaf men il oyoun
Ely tesbah fey ghalaha men yekoun
La la la teloom ely tewalaa bel gharam
weily wasal fil hawa had jirooh
La la la teloom ely yekhaf men el oyoun
El hawa ma yearaf esgheer w kbeer
La masalah beynhom ma yeseer
El mahaba darbaha shou w salam
Wel basher tetsawa fey nafs elmaseer
La la la teloom ely tewalaa bel gharam
weily wasal fil hawa had jirooh
La la la teloom ely yekhaf men el oyoun
Ya hana el mahboob ely hasal mona
Shaf khela aayesh el farha maah
Ely ma jarab wallah haram
Ma aaraf taam el saada wel haya
La la la teloom ely tewalaa bel gharam
weily wasal fil hawa had jirooh
La la la teloom ely yekhaf men el oyoun
La la la teloom ely tewalaa bel gharam
weily wasal fil hawa had jirooh
La la la teloom ely yekhaf men el oyoun
Sumber: klik disin
sya pesen liric arab+terjemahan indonya,Bu...
ReplyDeleteaku ada transate english nya kalo mw ntar di translate ke dalam bahasa indonesia sendiri yaaa...
Deleteلاتلوم اللي يخاف من العيون
La teloom ely yekhaf men il 3oyoun
Don't blame those who are afraid from the eyes
اللي تذبح في غلاها من يكون
Ely tezba7 fey ghalaha men yekoun
Those who would kill whoever for their precious one
لالا لاتلوم اللي تولع بالغرام
La, la, la teloom, ely tewala3 bel gharam
No, no, don't blame those who burn with passion
اللي ..اللي وصل في الهوي حد الجروح
Eli, eli waSal, fil hawa 7ad jiroo7
Those who have loved until it hurt
لاتلوم اللي يخاف من العيون
La teloom ely yekhaf men il 3oyoun
Don't blame those who are afraid from the eyes
الهوي مايعرف صغير وكبير
El hawa maye3araf Sgheer w kbeer
Love doesn't know any age
لا مصالح بينهم مايصير
La maSala7 beynhom ma yeSeer
They will reconcile regardless of what happens
المحبه دربها شوق وسلام
El ma7aba darbaha shou2 w salam
Love's hit is passion and peace
والبشر تتساوي في نفس المصير
Wel basher tetsawa fey nafs elmaSeer
And humans are equal and treated the same
ياهنا المحبوب اللي حصل مناه
Ya hana el ma7boob ely 7aSal mona
How lucky the beloved who's wishes came true
شاف خله عايش الفرحه معاه
Shaf khela 3ayesh el far7a ma3ah
Met a person to live in happiness with
اللي ماجرب والله حرام
Ely ma jarab wallah 7aram
Those who haven't tried it are unfortunate
ماعرف طعم السعاده والحياة
Ma 3araf Taam el sa3ada wel 7aya
They do not know the taste of happiness and life
orang ini muslim ndak?
Nancy Ajram penyanyi asli dari lebanon dia beraga nasrani :)
Deleteowhg amina tooo heheheh kirain nancy
Deleteini silahkan buka biography nya